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Research Talks

December 16, 2019

Included here are a selection of my upcoming and recent research talks. 4th March 2021 Cool Stars 20.5 I was awarded a short Haiku talk at the Cool Stars 20.5 conference. In this talk, I presented a short talk summarising Morrell and Naylor (2019). I also presented a poster at this conference on this work....

About Me

August 12, 2018

I am a Research Fellow at the University of Exeter, currently applying my training in astrophysics to help better understand, and hopefully begin to solve, the pressing ecological crisis caused by artificial light at night (ALAN). I lead the development of our Monte Carlo Radiative Transfer model, whose outputs we correlate with measurements of animal...

Web Development for Physicists

February 17, 2018

I’m fortunate enough to be sitting at the intersection of two disparate fields which are rapidly hurtling towards each other. More than ever, it’s becoming important to publicise you and your research, whether you’re in academia or in the private sector. Sooner or later, this is likely going to mean you’re going to requiring some...

May 25, 2016

Dr Sam Morrell Researcher in Light Pollution and Astrophysics University of Exeter I'm a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Exeter, in Devon, UK. I was trained as an astrophysicist, and my astrophysical research interest spans studies of young clusters, stellar evolution, and exoplanet science. In my current position, I am bringing my expertise as...

Once Again, With More Soul

March 22, 2016

In my free time of late, I’ve been busy beavering away on my latest website. This one has taken a few weeks to perfect and hone but this is the brand new website for my band Soul Traders. This has been coming for a little while, and when you see the old site you’ll understand why. It’s...

Using Wintersmith to Make Awesome Static Websites

December 3, 2015

For the last month or so, I’ve been deeply investing my spare time into writing a website for a conference, the UK Exoplanet Community Meeting 2016, or UKEXOM 2016 for short. Early on we decided that the best way to host it would probably be to use Amazon’s pretty nifty S3 service. This comes with...

Mini Javascript Hackathon – Tix Clock

July 31, 2013

I’ve spent a lot of time recently writing C++, Python and Shell Script. These languages are great, but I fancied taking a break from them to go back to my old stomping ground. Earlier today I remembered about the existence of a cool little, almost completely useless, piece of geek tech known as the Tix...