I passionately believe that communicating research is a key responsibility of every researcher. A regularly do outreach talks and interviews about and around my own research. I also play a role in some longer term outreach projects.

I currently lead an international collaboration developing Chirp, an app for the web, iOS and Android that can be used to keep track of gravitational wave alerts. It was originally developed as a collaboration between myself and members of the Institute of Gravitational Wave Astronomy at the University of Birmingham. However, in 2023 it moved to its new home at the University of Exeter.
For more information on Chirp see my post on it, or visit its website on laserlabs.org.
PhysExe – Physics at Exeter
I manage the YouTube channel for the department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Exeter. I originally started this channel with Dr Natalie Whitehead, co-founder of Exeter Science Centre. However, after the success of the `Great Conjunction 2020′ event, we relaunched the channel in 2023.
To see a selection of the videos I have worked on, please see this page.

Great Conjunction 2020
In December 2020, the astrophysics group at the University of Exeter ran an outreach event commemorating the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, an event known as a great conjunction.
I helped oversee the online branch of this project, and produced the live stream. For more information see my post on the project, or visit the website for the project at jupitersaturn2020.org.